The Star Wilds Wiki

A repository of official Star Wilds world lore & information.

The Arcanex

The Arcanex is an ancient artifact of Mythgard, a relic from the time of the Great Incursion. Discovered on the human world of Duskara long after the war, it was partially decoded by human scholars, revealing secrets of interplanetary travel and the coordinates of the Prime Planets—the ancestral homes of the sentient races. This breakthrough allowed early human explorers to journey to new worlds, establishing contact with diverse races and rebuilding the Starways, which connected much of the Star Wilds. However, the Arcanex was lost during an accident involving the early Explorers’ Guild, leaving much of its potential untapped. It wasn’t until its rediscovery by a band of adventurers that the artifact’s full capabilities were realized. The Arcanex revealed the locations of all planets within the Star Wilds, unlocking the vast interconnected system and reigniting the spirit of exploration across the galaxy.

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