The Avians, commonly referred to as the birdfolk, are a proud and diverse people originating from the world of Duskara. Like other beastfolk, they were created by the ancient druid Sylvos, who gifted them with sentience and humanoid forms. Avians are characterized by their birdlike features, possessing feather-covered humanoid bodies and the heads of birds. Their cultures celebrates freedom, independence, and adventure, with many birdfolk taking great pride in their personal achievements and the lives they build for themselves. While they value family and community, Avians as a whole hold a deep admiration for the concept of freedom. This often leads many to take up adventuring as a way to experience the world and fulfill their dreams. Diverse in appearance, beliefs, and abilities, Avians are a widespread race, with their influence extending across Duskara and even into the Star Wilds.
Racial Traits#
Your size is Medium, standing around 4 to 6 ft tall.
Your base walking speed is 3o ft.
Avian reach maturity around age 12 and can live upwards of 85 years.
Avian typically lean toward neutral alignments, valuing personal freedom, independence, and self-expression.
You can speak, read and write in Common and Beastspeech.
Racial Features#
Avian Awareness:
As Avian, your keen senses and natural instincts make you highly alert. You have advantage on Perception checks that rely on sight or hearing. Additionally, you cannot be surprised while you are conscious.
As an Avian, please choose from one of the following sub-races to determine additional racial features:

Cardeon resemble cardinals, with vibrant, colorful plumage that often reflects their bright and optimistic personalities. They are natural fliers, possessing wings that allow them to take to the skies with ease. Cardeons value peace, freedom, and a simple, joyful life, often avoiding conflict and instead seeking fulfillment through exploration and discovery. Their culture revolves around the idea that adventuring and seeing the world are the ultimate forms of self-expression and happiness. This wanderlust makes them the most common birdfolk encountered throughout the Star Wilds, as they frequently travel far from their homes. Cardeon communities are rare, with most preferring a nomadic lifestyle, only settling in one place during their older years. Their boundless curiosity and love for adventure make them natural explorers who view the world as a vast and beautiful place worth experiencing.
Ability Score Increase:
Dexterity +2, Charisma +1
Skill Selection:
You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice from the following: Acrobatics, Persuasion, Survival or Perception.
Winged Flight:
Thanks to your wings, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. You can't use this flying speed if you're wearing medium or heavy armor. You take no damage from falling as long as your wings are not restrained or otherwise incapacitated.
Aerial Expertise:
While you are flying, you gain a +2 bonus to your AC and you have advantage on attack rolls against creatures that are also in the air.

The Chikari have the head and features of chickens, and while some may dismiss them for their appearance, they are anything but ordinary. Known for their prideful and boastful nature, Chikari live with a sense of curiosity and a cheerful, carefree attitude. Their bulky builds give them surprising physical strength, allowing them to stand up for what they believe in even if they are not naturally inclined toward combat. Chikari are often misunderstood, with their cheerful demeanor mistaken for foolishness. In reality, they are inquisitive, adventurous, and deeply loyal to those they care about. Unlike many other birdfolk, Chikari lack wings and the ability to fly, but they compensate for this with their resilience and their vibrant personalities. Their communities are lively and full of energy, as Chikari value friendship, fun, and living life to its fullest.
Ability Score Increase:
Charisma: +2, Strength +1
Skill Selection:
You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice from the following: Athletics, Investigation, Performance or Intimidation.
Speed Burst:
As a bonus action, you can increase your movement speed by 15 feet until the end of your turn. During this turn, your movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
Prideful Goad:
Your bold and boastful nature allows you to provoke your enemies into focusing on you. As a bonus action, creatures within 30 feet that can see or hear you. Each creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or be distracted by you until the end of your next turn. While distracted, affected creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than you. During this time, your confidence bolsters your defenses, granting you a +1 bonus to AC until the end of your next turn. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.

The Owlith are birdfolk with the head and features of owls. Known for their quiet wisdom and intelligence, they are a race of scholars, mages, and seekers of knowledge. Owlith culture places great importance on both tradition and the pursuit of knowledge, with many of their kind dedicating their lives to the arts, arcane studies, or scholarly pursuits. Owlith are often seen as calm and thoughtful, choosing their words carefully and speaking only when necessary. While their reputation as scholars precedes them, they are also known to be fierce warriors when the need arises, combining their intelligence with precise and deadly combat techniques. Owlith communities are rare, as most prefer to live solitary lives or integrate into other societies where their skills and knowledge are needed. Their passion for learning and their pursuit of wisdom often lead them far from home, earning them a reputation as insightful and dignified travelers.
Ability Score Increase:
Wisdom +2, Intelligence +1
Skill Selection:
You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice from the following: Arcana, History, Insight or Perception.
Winged Flight:
Thanks to your wings, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. You can't use this flying speed if you're wearing medium or heavy armor. You take no damage from falling as long as your wings are not restrained or otherwise incapacitated.
Silent Fight:
Your wings grant you the ability to move through the air with an eerie silence, making you nearly undetectable while flying. While you are flying, you have advantage on checks to avoid being detected, and creatures have disadvantage on checks to hear you.

The Ravus are birdfolk with the head and features of ravens or crows. Their sleek, dark feathers give them a mysterious and cunning appearance, and while they lack wings and the ability to fly, they are known for their stealth and nimbleness. Ravus are naturally clever and resourceful, often filling roles where their stealth, agility, and intellect can be put to great use. Many view the Ravus as mischievous due to their chaotic tendencies, love of pranks, and sarcastic demeanor. However, not all Ravus are troublemakers—beneath their sly and playful exterior lies a deeply loyal and passionate nature. They value having fun, often finding joy in games, music, theater, and other forms of entertainment. Their unique ability to mimic sounds makes them excellent jokesters, spies, or performers. Those who befriend a Ravus quickly learn that, while they may be cheeky, they are fiercely loyal companions.
Ability Score Increase:
Dexterity +2, Charisma +1
Skill Selection:
You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice from the following: Stealth, Deception, Performance or Sleight of Hand.
You can accurately mimic sounds you have heard, including voices. A creature that hears the sounds you make can tell they are imitations only with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check against a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.
Expert Forgery:
You can duplicate other creatures' handwriting and craftwork. You have advantage on all checks made to produce forgeries or duplicates of existing objects.

The Aegion are birdfolk with the head and features of eagles. Known for their muscular builds and stoic personalities, Aegion value loyalty, freedom, and honor above all else. Their culture revolves around strength, tradition, and duty, with many Aegion choosing to live by a strict moral code. Fierce warriors and defenders of the weak, Aegion often see battle as a way to live an honorable life. Rarely seen with chaotic or evil tendencies, they are typically lawful individuals who uphold justice and strive to protect those in need. Whether serving their biological families or the communities they devote themselves to, Aegion are fiercely protective of their kin. Their adventurous spirit and strong sense of purpose drive many to travel far and wide, taking on noble quests and missions of justice.
Ability Score Increase:
Strength +2, Wisdom +1
Skill Selection:
You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice from the following: Athletics, Intimidation, Persuasion or Survival.
Winged Flight:
Thanks to your wings, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. You can't use this flying speed if you're wearing medium or heavy armor. You take no damage from falling as long as your wings are not restrained or otherwise incapacitated.
Keen Vision:
Your eagle-like eyes grant you extraordinary sight over great distances. You can see clearly up to 2 miles away, discerning fine details of objects, provided you have a clear line of sight. Additionally, you can see unclearly (general shapes and movement) up to 4 miles away.