The Dragonborn hail from their homeworld of Elysia, a vast, arid desert world whose harsh environment has shaped their resilient, reptilian appearance. They are the proud descendants of the ancient Elder Dragons, revered as both gods and cultural icons, serving as the foundation of Dragonborn society. While many Dragonborn still call Elysia home, their thirst for adventure drives countless others to explore the Star Wilds, where they are often found as scholars, mages, warriors, and survivalists. Known for their nobility, intelligence, and humility, Dragonborn have earned a reputation as trustworthy and fierce individuals. Their cities are architectural marvels, blending intricate draconic styles with powerful magical enhancements, reflecting their deep reverence for their Elder Dragon lineage.
Dragonborn culture celebrates strength, wisdom, and the taming of majestic creatures like wyverns and dragons, who are seen as both sacred companions and symbols of status. This ancient practice is woven into their identity, with taming and breeding dragons considered an art form. With their innate magical aptitude and natural charisma, Dragonborn excel in roles of leadership, knowledge, and survival. While their origins tie them to the sun-scorched sands of Elysia, their adaptability and adventurous spirit have carried them to the far.
Racial Traits#
Your size is Medium standing around 4 to 7 ft tall.
Your base walking speed is 30 ft.
Dragonborn reach maturity around age 15 and live roughly 200 years.
Dragonborn tend toward lawful alignments, valuing structure, intellect, and the preservation of their culture, but individual Dragonborn can vary greatly due to their personal experiences.
You can speak, read and write in Common and Draconic.
Racial Features#
Ability Score Increase:
Intelligence +2, Constitution +1
Skill Selection:
You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice from the following: Arcana, History, Persuasion, or Survival.
You have superior vision in bright conditions. You can see in areas of extreme brightness within 60 feet of you as if they were normal bright light, and you are unaffected by glare.
Draconic Ancestry:
Your dragon blood is infused with innate elemental energy. Choose one of the following elemental properties: Fire, Cold, Lightning, or Acid. This choice grants you resistance to damage of the same type. The elemental energy within you is a defining trait of your lineage, often reflected in the color of your scales.
As a Dragonborn, please choose from one of the following sub-races to determine additional racial features:

The Draken are the largest and most stoic subrace of Dragonborn, standing tall with thick, durable scales that radiate strength and authority. Known for their intelligence and mastery of magic, the Draken were the first to settle and establish the great cities of Elysia, laying the foundation of Dragonborn civilization. Their culture places a high value on wisdom, tradition, and the will of the Elder Dragons, who they worship with seemingly unwavering devotion. Calm in demeanor and deliberate in their actions, the Draken often serve as leaders, advisors, and scholars, their motives guided by a deep sense of draconic pride and purpose. To the Draken, their heritage is sacred, and their lives are often spent pursuing goals that honor their gods or fulfill ancient draconic missions. Their societies are deeply rooted in tradition, with every action and decision often tied to the teachings of the Elder Dragons. The Draken are seen as the cultural and spiritual pillars of the Dragonborn, embodying the ideals of wisdom, strength, and loyalty to their draconic roots.
Ability Score Increase:
Intelligence +2, Charisma +1,
Skill Selection:
You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice from the following: History, Insight, Persuasion, or Arcana.
Breath Weapon:
As an action, you can exhale a destructive blast of energy tied to your Draconic Ancestry. The area of effect is a 15-foot cone, and each creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, a creature takes damage equal to 2d6 of your ancestral damage type, or half as much on a successful save. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level. You can use your Breath Weapon a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Arcane Legacy:
Whenever you make an Arcana or History check related to magic, you can add your proficiency bonus twice (instead of once) if you are proficient in the skill.

The Drakoe are smaller than their Draken kin, standing at about half their height, with softer scales and more vibrantly colored skin. They are easily recognized by their two prominent horns and large, pointed ears, which give them a distinct appearance. Unlike the stoic Draken, the Drakoe are playful, cheerful, and often seen as the heart of Dragonborn society. They value loyalty above all else, dedicating their lives to serving others—whether their Draken kin, a chosen individual, or a cause they hold dear. While not as intelligent or magically adept as the Draken, they make up for it with their adventurous spirit and unshakable devotion. The Drakoe prefer simpler lives and tend to avoid positions of power or influence, instead thriving in roles of service and companionship. Their carefree personalities also influence their worship of the Elder Dragons, which, while present, is not as intense or ritualistic as that of the Draken. They are driven by a desire to impress those they serve, and failure or disappointment can weigh heavily on their hearts. Though they are often underestimated, the Drakoe are vital to Dragonborn culture, bringing joy, enthusiasm, and an unwavering sense of loyalty to their communities.
Ability Score Increase:
Dexterity: +2, Charisma +1
Skill Selection:
You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice from the following: Acrobatics, Arcana, Stealth, or Performance.
Elemental Conduit:
When struck by an attack that deals damage of the same elemental type as your Draconic Ancestry, you can absorb a portion of the energy into your body. As a reaction, you can reduce the damage taken by half and store the absorbed energy. On your next turn, you can unleash this stored energy as part of your next attack, adding bonus damage equal to the amount of damage absorbed.
Loyal Companion:
You can grant an ally within 10 feet of you advantage on a saving throw or ability check once per long rest, reflecting your innate desire to support and serve others.