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Halflings are the result of humans reproducing with either the Elden or Dworin species, giving rise to a distinct and diverse race. They are widespread and incredibly common across human and Elden worlds and settlements, often seamlessly blending into the societies they inhabit. Without a distinct culture of their own, Halflings are highly adaptable, adopting the lifestyles, belief systems, and traditions of their environment and upbringing. What unites Halflings, however, is their innate adventurous spirit and a playful nature that often makes them curious, bold, and full of life. Their personalities are as varied as the cultures they embrace, with some embodying traits of human, elden and dworin alike. Known for their loyalty and adaptability, Halflings are quick to form strong bonds with their communities, making them valued companions and trusted allies wherever they roam.

Racial Traits#

Your size is Medium, standing between 2 to 4 ft tall.

Your base walking speed is 25 ft.

Halflings reach maturity around age 18 and can live upwards of 90 years.

Halflings are generally good-natured and cheerful, often leaning toward neutral or chaotic alignments due to their adventurous and playful personalities.

You can speak, read and write in Common and your choice of either Elden or Dworin.

Racial Features#

You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Half-Human Ancestry:
You gain one feat of your choice.

Luck of the Halfling:
If you roll a 1 on a d20, you can reroll it once. This ability can be used only once per long rest.


As an Halfling, please choose from one of the following sub-races to determine additional racial features:

Dworin Halfling#

Dworin Halflings are the offspring of Human and Dworin ancestry, embodying the best traits of both lineages. With the appearance of a human—rounded ears and soft features—but the dwarf-like stature of their Dworin cousins, they are typically small, short and nimble in build. Their personalities are a blend of human ambition and Dworin resilience, resulting in individuals who are both driven and steadfast. Known for their hardy nature and infectious cheer, Dworin Halflings thrive in either human or Dworin settlements, where their adaptability ensures they find a place in any community that values strength and camaraderie. These Halflings are often happy-go-lucky, with a love for good company and hard work. Yet beneath their cheerful demeanor lies a core of determination, making them surprisingly tough when life becomes difficult. Whether working alongside Dworin craftsmen or joining in the grand aspirations of humans, Dworin Halflings bring energy, optimism, and a strong sense of belonging wherever they go.

Ability Score Increase:
Charisma +2, Constitution +1

Skill Selection:
You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice from the following: Athletics, Survival, Persuasion or History.

Half-Dworin Resilience:
You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.

Half-Dworin Toughness:
Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and continues to increase by 1 every time you gain a level.

Elden Halfling#

Elden Halflings are born of Human and Elden ancestry, combining the elegance of their Elden forebears with the drive and curiosity of their human lineage. They are slightly taller than their Dworin Halfling cousins and bear the pointed ears and refined features of the Elden people. Naturally prideful and ambitious, Elden Halflings are confident individuals who often find themselves at ease in both human and Elden societies. Their adventurous human spirit, paired with the grace and poise of the Elden, allows them to navigate social and cultural boundaries with ease. Known for their adaptability and charm, these Halflings often excel in roles that require diplomacy or creativity. Whether exploring the world, honing a craft, or pursuing a cause, Elden Halflings bring a sense of purpose and refinement to their endeavors. They are versatile companions, equally at home in the bustling human cities as they are in the serene Elden enclaves, always carving their own unique path.

Ability Score Increase:
Charisma: +2, Wisdom +1

Skill Selection:
You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice from the following: Acrobatics, Insight, Performance or Arcana.

Half-Elden Ancestry:
You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic cannot put you to sleep. You don't need to sleep, magic can't put you to sleep, and you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed. You can finish a long rest in 4 hours if you spend those hours in a trancelike meditation, during which you remain conscious. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit a human would from 8 hours of sleep.

Half-Elden Confidence:
Once per long rest, you can gain advantage on a Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Intimidation) check when interacting with either a Human or Elden.

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