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A repository of official Star Wilds world lore & information.



Humans originate from the world of Duskara, and while many call their homeworld their own, they can be found in abundance all across the Star Wilds. Known as the original explorers of the Star Wilds and the inventors of modern magical concepts, humans are respected for their ambition and resourcefulness, though these same traits often inspire fear in others.

A diverse and adaptable species, humans thrive in a wide range of environments and cultures, their appearances as varied as their traditions. Their drive to explore, create, and innovate has shaped the worlds and peoples they encounter. Whether as pioneers, inventors, settlers, or conquerors, humans are a dynamic force across the Star Wilds.

Racial Traits#

Your size is Medium, standing around 5 to 6 ft tall.

Your base walking speed is 3o ft.

Humans reach maturity around age 18 and live roughly 85 years.

Humans alignments are as diverse as their cultures, you can find the best and worst amongst them.

You can speak, read and write in Common and one other language of your choosing.

Racial Features#

Human Wisdom:
You gain one feat of your choice.


As a human, please choose from one of the following sub-races to determine additional racial features:


The Nords are a hardy and resilient people, deeply proud of their Nordic heritage and ancestral traditions. Their culture is steeped in values of battle, honor, and glory, with great emphasis placed on respecting and upholding the ways of their ancestors. Typically found in rugged mountainous, alpine, or arctic regions, they have a deep connection to their harsh environments, seeing them as a source of strength and endurance. Central to their beliefs is the worship of The Triarchs, the three divine siblings who rule over humanity and judge mortal souls. The Nords view their battles and pursuit of glory as a test of worthiness in the eyes of the Triarchs, tying their courage and honor to their eternal fate.

Ability Score Increase:
Intelligence: +2, Strength +1

Skill Selection:
You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice from the following: Athletics, Nature, Survival, or History.

Nordic Spirit:
When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can let out a fierce battle cry. This cry grants allies within 30 feet advantage on their next attack rolls until the end of your next turn. If an ally defeats an enemy before your next turn, you stabilize at 1 hit point. If no enemies are defeated by your turn, you fall unconscious and begin making death saving throws as normal.

Mountain Path Explorer:
You ignore difficult terrain caused by mountainous or snowy environments.


The Yukara are a disciplined people, deeply rooted in values of family honor, education, and moral responsibility. Their society revolves around the belief that an individual’s actions reflect upon their lineage, with bringing honor to one’s family considered the highest achievement. Guided by their faith in the Triarchs, the Yukara follow a strict moral code, believing that living with honor and fulfilling familial and communal duties secures a place in the Triarchs’ afterlife. Education is highly esteemed, seen as a means of personal growth and a way to elevate one’s family. Known for their wisdom and diplomacy, the Yukara are respected as advisors and teachers, though their rigid adherence to social protocols can be seen as overly strict. Their culture embodies a harmonious balance of honor, knowledge, and devotion to the teachings of the Triarchs.

Ability Score Increase:
Intelligence: +2, Wisdom +1

Skill Selection:
You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice from the following: History, Insight, Performance, or Persuasion.

Face of Honor:
You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks when interacting with those who respect social hierarchy. This feature can only be used once per long rest.

Quick Learner:
You gain proficiency in one additional skill of your choice.


The Khal are a resilient and ambitious people who originate from the harsh deserts of Duskara. Their original settlements were built around the discovery and prosperity of gold and gemstones, transforming barren landscapes into thriving trade hubs. Their culture is deeply values resourcefulness, trade, and the pursuit of prosperity. Known as skilled merchants and craftsmen, the Khal have built thriving trade hubs renowned for their production of gemstones, precious metals, and luxury goods. Their society is shaped by a strong emphasis on honor, family lineage, and wealth, which serve as both a measure of status and a foundation for their traditions. Like most humans, the Khal maintain a connection to the Triarchs but they are also known to worship gods of wealth, prosperity, and fortune.

Ability Score Increase:
Intelligence: +2, Constitution +1

Skill Selection:
You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice from the following: History, Insight, Persuasion, or Survival.

You have superior vision in bright conditions. You can see in areas of extreme brightness within 60 feet of you as if they were normal bright light, and you are unaffected by glare.

Trade Savvy:
You have an innate understanding of wealth and trade. When making a Persuasion check related to trade or bartering, you can add your proficiency bonus twice instead of once. Additionally, you can appraise the value of gems, gold, and other precious metals or gemstones with near-perfect accuracy.

Khalan Survivalist:
You are adept at finding sustenance in barren environments. You can find twice as much food and water when foraging in deserts, jungles, or dry plains.

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