Hellgard, also known as the Dark or Chaos Realm, is a twisted plane of existence created by Mythos to serve as a prison for chaos magic and malevolent spirits. Once a chaotic zoo of untamed dark energies and warring evil entities, the realm's nature changed dramatically with the rise of Malgroth, a powerful deity who began conquering and organizing the scattered domains of Hellgard under his dark banner. Though built as a containment facility, Hellgard has evolved into a thriving ecosystem of darkness, where demons, devils, and dark gods harness the unlimited potential of chaos magic. Eternal wars still rage across its domains as Malgroth's influence continues to grow, with many spirits and lesser deities pledging allegiance to this self-proclaimed Dark Lord, while others resist his dominion. While Mythos severed direct connections between Hellgard and the Material Realm, the corrupting influence of this dark place still seeps through, as its inhabitants constantly seek ways to spread their malevolent influence across the mortal worlds. To most mortals, Hellgard represents a realm of endless torment and suffering, a place to be deeply feared. However, to those who embrace chaos and darkness, it represents unlimited opportunity and unrestricted magical potential, where the laws of order hold no sway.
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