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The Triarchs

The Triarchs are the three divine siblings who oversee humanity and rule over their domain within Mythgard. Their original names have long been lost to time, and they are now simply referred to as the Triarchs, a united entity of divine authority. Born as the children of Valkor - God of Man, the chaotic creator god of mankind, they rose against their father, killing him and claiming his power to free humanity from his hold. In the aftermath, they established a new order, creating a religion built upon noble tenets and a strict moral code. The Triarchs judge mortals based on their adherence to these principles, valuing wholesomeness, honor, and compassion. Those deemed worthy gain entrance to their divine afterlife, a realm of peace and glory, while those who live wicked lives are cast into Hellgard, a realm of eternal punishment. Though they are gods of humanity, their teachings and their black-and-white view of good and evil have drawn followers from many races who seek clarity and purpose in their strict doctrine. Worshipped as paragons of justice and morality, the Triarchs remain the eternal guardians of humanity’s spiritual path.

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