The Star Wilds Wiki

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Malgroth – The Dark Lord

Malgroth, known throughout the Star Wilds as the Dark Lord or Lord of Chaos, stands as one of the most formidable deities in existence. Originally an evil spirit imprisoned in Hellgard by Mythos, Malgroth's exceptional mastery of chaos magic enabled his meteoric rise to power, transforming him from prisoner to conqueror within the chaotic realm. His most notorious achievement was the creation of the Demonborn, who serve as his military force in the eternal wars that rage through Hellgard. As the self-proclaimed Dark Lord, Malgroth wages an endless campaign to unite all of Hellgard under his rule, seeking to establish himself as the supreme authority over chaos magic and its practitioners. Malgroth's influence continues to grow as deities, spirits, and even mortals pledge their allegiance to his dark banner. His power has reached such heights that he is feared not only by mortals and lesser chaotic deities but even by the gods of Mythgard themselves. As his control over Hellgard strengthens with each passing day, Malgroth has become the very embodiment of evil and chaos magic, a being whose very name inspires dread throughout both the mortal and divine realms.

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